Hi Everyone – Confirming InfoNews #3 “Save the Date”.
We’ve got a great day planned for Highlands Park including info, rules, regs & entry forms for Targa-VCC Time Trial South Island Mon 22nd to Sat 27th Oct 2018.
Please be at Highlands Park, Cromwell 9.30am Sat 21st April for a great day including Targa & Targa-VCC Time Trial info, race track time & rally book trial practice.
Lunch time either bring your own or short drive into Cromwell for take-aways etc.
We plan to finish by 3.30pm to give those who’ve travelled time to return &/or relax in the Cromwell/Bannockburn wine area.
You don’t have to bring your Targa car for this meeting, but it would a great opportunity to try it out on the track if you wish!!
Please email me your intention to attend Highlands Park Sat 21st April so that we can prepare info-packs.
(There will also be similar events held in Christchurch & the North Island for competitors from those areas – Dates to be confirmed).
Any queries please call me.
Rod Corbett.
[email protected]
027 433 8772