Hi Everyone,
Thanks again for offering to assist with car display & parking for the VCC Time Trial, Targa Tour & Targa Competition cars later this month.
Car Parking & Car Display :
Please refer updated Outline for Branch Assistance attached showing times & venues for your branch volunteers to attend.
I’ve also added names & mobile phone for each branch liaison person – Please advise if any have changed & I’ll update further.
We may only need 3 or 4 branch volunteers to assist as marshalls to direct cars where to park, but any of your local member cars are welcome to display with our VCC time trial cars.
If marshalls could wear hi-viz vests please, this will help them to be identified.
(Attendance times listed after each date on the Outline are approx 30 minutes prior to expected arrival of first VCC time trial cars as indicated on Targa-VCC Event Programme attached, to give time for set-up/display of your local branch member cars).
With the exception of Invercargill Monday & Tuesday late afternoon/evening, each of the lunch/service stops & late afternoon/evening car displays will be controlled by Targa service park liaison managers Rob & Rita Berridge.
Rob & Rita will be stationed at the entrance of each lunch & evening parking venue to check &/or collect all entrant time cards.
Please check in with Rob & Rita when you arrive at each venue to confirm parking spots for VCC, Tour & Competition. (VCC & Tour cars don’t have service crew, but all Targa Competition cars will have service crew who may already be there when you arrive).
Rob & Rita are also copied in to this email & their mobile numbers are at the top of the Outline page attached.
Publicity for VCC :
As mentioned in my previous email, this inaugural time trial is proving to be a great opportunity to raise public awareness of VCC.
By demonstrating how much fun we have with our older cars, hopefully we can use our Targa car displays & local publicity to attract some new & younger members to join your branch.
(Indeed of the current entrant list attached, 22 of the 44 driver/co-drivers are new to VCC).
There are also several community newspapers in the lower South Island including-:
Southland-: Southland Times & Southland Express (Invercargill), Western Star (Riverton), & The Ensign (Gore).
Otago-: ODT & Star Community News (Dunedin) & Oamaru Mail (Oamaru).
Central Otago-: Central Otago News (Alexandre), Cromwell Bulletin (Cromwell), Mountain Scene (Queenstown) & Wanaka Sun (Wanaka).
Southland VCC have already made contact with Southland Express & I’d encourage each VCC branch to contact their local newspaper & invite them to attend our Targa-VCC car displays at lunch & evening stops. Hopefully any articles & photos printed will also raise public awareness of your branch to attract new & younger members.
Attachments :
Please refer attachments below & contact me if you have any queries.
- Outline for Branch Assistance with dates, times, venues & VCC branch liaison contacts;
- Targa-VCC Event Programme;
- Targa-VCC Entrant List;
- Targa Road & Closed Stage Maps Days 1-5;
- Traffic Flow for Car Display at Queens Park, Invercargill, Monday 22 October.
Thanks again – We very much appreciate your assistance.
Kind regards,
Rod Corbett.
[email protected]
+64 27 433 8772
(Please note my old email address [email protected] still works, & redirects to my new email address [email protected])